Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Woody - West Highland White Terrier


  1. She is adorable! Love the tarten in the background too.

  2. I am loving all these sketches of dogs. We lost our old beagle a couple of years ago, and it is getting to be time to get a new puppy. If only I can find the energy to cope with those first two years!

  3. Wow - terrific job! I LOVE the pink in his ears -- very realistic. His eyes are "spot on!" The plaid in the background give him a most decidedly "Scottish" setting.

  4. So cute! Reminds me of my Cairn Terrier that died last year at about age 18. You are so talented! My animals all turn out to look like cartoons.

  5. Adorable.....i grew up with Cairns and Westies.....Beautiful.


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