Friday, February 20, 2009

Beaufort House - Asheville, NC


  1. Hi Greg,

    This is beautiful. Is this colored pencil? I'm curious because I would love to add color to some of my house portraits, but I haven't quite got the hang of watercolor yet...pencils, I can do :)

  2. Carol...
    Yes, this one is colored pencil.

    I would think watercolor would be an easy way to add some subtle color to your work.

    With some of the others....
    I have been adding color to these graphite sketches using photoshop. I like the result... It looks like a cross between colored pencil and watercolor.

    I use adobe illustrator and photoshop extensively in my daily work as an artist. It give me a little more creative outlet using those programs.


  3. Thanks for the insight! Yes, I definitely need to play around with some watercolor on my house portraits.

    Interesting to know you have used photoshop to add color to some of your sketches as well. I like the result, too...subtle, but really adds some life to them.


Comments about artwork only please. No links.