Sunday, March 29, 2009

EDM #70 - Draw what you're afraid of.

I drew this because it was on the list. Fear it... respect it.... I actually feel a little sad for the poor black widow spider. I have seen a few on our property and have immediately gotten rid of it.
I can see no good reason to allow it to live and multiply.

Fatalities caused by bites from Black Widows are rare,
but do cause swelling and discomfort and a physicians treatment is highly
recommended since a certain segment of the
population is more susceptible to the venom than others.


  1. I've heard so much about it, watched National Geographic channel and Animal Planet channel about it... and yes unfortunately, as pretty/creepy as they are, they are very dangerous and should be feared.

    You sketch this time did bring out the shivers in me.

  2. This is fantastic...I am afraid of Lizard and one day i'll make it for sure...:)

  3. I love spiders, but if I saw one of these (not likely in the UK!) I'd have to get rid of it too.

    I do really like the drawing though. Lovely composition.

  4. Beautiful drawing! I completely admire that you were able to do it...I definitely don't like spiders, so I don't know that I would want to render one!!

  5. Terrrifying! and beautifully drawn...

  6. I'm an insect fan too - great job on the spider!

  7. I feel sorry of the male of the species, who gets killed and eaten after they mate. There is no sense of justice in the spider world.


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