Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mystery Object

Do you know what this is?

And the answer is... Some of you already knew it... A USB (Universal Serial Bus) Plug.


  1. A USB plug for something. By the way, you are amazing. Incredible talent!! Everything looks so real!! I love the tree in the coffee cup! Wonderful!

  2. Of course I do---it's the power thingy to make the gizmo run..good job!

  3. Good Lawd, Greg, could you not have made it difficult? LOL. It is an USB connector!!! Okay, you did a great job of it. If you want me to tell you what it is connecting, well, that's more difficult. It could by any number of devices or storage media. It could be a thumb drive or memory stick. Or, it could be the mouse connector (mine looks like that) or it could be your scanner or printer, or any number of other devices.

  4. It is a USB cable or it could be a jump drive. Not enough is shown so I am going to stick with the cable. Nice work!

  5. Cell phone charger plug. Very nicely sketched, too! Linda

  6. I refuse to answer the question on the grounds that it might incriminate me, but I will say I'm blown away by the detail and accuracy of the drawing! Bravo... it's beautiful and I'm envious of your ability!

  7. This is amazing...:) I knew it..This is USB connector..:)

  8. I'm with Winna! LOL Great rendering of a useful thingy. nancy

  9. The details of such a small and common part of a cable which you put in is just mind blowing. :)


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